Scott Seltzer: Juggler in Israel

Scott Seltzer
Scott Seltzer
Scott Seltzer
Awesomest Juggler in Israel
Awesomest Juggler in Israel
Awesomest Juggler in Israel
with thousands of shows experience
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Birthdays, Camps, Schools, Holidays, Simchas


In the summer of 2007, I was on the TV show, 'בלתי נתפס' (an Israeli version of America's Got Talent) doing something I had never peformed before. They said that they already had enough jugglers participating so I put together a routine of balancing things on my face. You can watch the final trick here:
Extreme Egg Juggling (2:30 minutes)
Download Video (23.8 Mb)
Juggling 5 Torches
Download Video (2.46 Mb)
The most dangerous thing I've ever juggled
Download Video (288 Kb)

More Videos:

If you're a juggler, there are some videos of me showing off at Enjoy!

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