Scott Seltzer's Juggling Library

BOOKS - Juggling, Diabolo, Yo-yo, Performance, Other


The Complete Juggler by Dave Finnigan - Review by me on IJDb
Juggling with Finesse by Kit Summers - Review in Jugglers World: Vol. 38, No. 2
Contact Juggling by James Ernest - Review from Juggler's World: Vol. 43, No. 3
The Juggling Book by Carlo
491 Patterns for the Solo Juggler by Martin Probert - Review by Juggler's World: Vol. 42, No. 4
Juggling: The Art and its Artists by Karl-Heinz Ziethen and Andrew Allen - Review in Jugglers World: Vol. 38, No. 1
The Compendium of Club Juggling by Charlie Dancey
The Encyclopaedia of Ball Juggling by Charlie Dancey
Enrico Rastelli and the World's Greatest Jugglers by Karl-Heinz Ziethen
Juggling for the Complete Klutz by John Cassidy and B.C. Rimbeux
Juggling & Feats of Dexterity by Bulfinch Press
Three Ball Digest by Dick Franco
Comedy Juggling by Rich Chamberlain
Dr. Dropo's Juggling Buffoonery by Bruce Fife


Diabolo Stick Grinds and Suicides by Donald Grant
Diabolo 2: Crazy Cradles and Baffling Body Moves by Donald Grant
Diabolo 3: Two Hot to Handle by Donald Grant
Totally Diabolical by Donald Grant
Brendan Brolly's Book of Diabolo by Brendan Brolly
Brendan Brolly's Second Book of Diabolo by Brendan Brolly


The Klutz Yo-Yo Book by The Editors of Klutz Press
World on a String by Helane Zeiger

Performance and Theory

Passing the Hat by Patricia J. Campbell
Get Your Show on the Road by Keith Johnson
Comedy Warm-ups for Children's Shows by David Ginn
Bringing Home the Laughs by David Ginn
Magic and Showmanship: a Handbook for Conjurers by Henning Nelms
Showmanship for Magicians by Dariel Fitzkee
Lessons from the Art of Juggling by Michael J. Gelb and Tony Buzan
Success! Interviews with Performers About Fame, Fortune, and Happiness by Brad Zupp
Step by Step to Stand-up Comedy by Greg Dean
The Comic Toolbox by John Vorhaus
How to Be Funny by Mark Stolzenberg
How to be a Stand-up Comic by Richard Belzer
Street Theatre and Other Outdoor Performance by Bim Mason


The Hacky Sack Book by John Cassidy
Fire Magic by Clettis V. Musson
The Complete Book of Unicycling by Jack Wiley, Ph.D. many magic books


Jugglers World/Juggle

I have all the magazine back issues that the IJA had back issues of to sell me. I'll enter the full list soon (I hope).

Other Magazines

I have a few issues of The Catch and Kaskade. Maybe I'll enter them here at some point.

VIDEOS - IJA Championships and Highlights, Alan Plotkin Convention Videos, Other Videos

IJA (International Jugglers Association) Videos

1986 IJA Championships - My Index
1987 IJA Championships
1988 IJA Championships
1989 IJA Highlights, "Airborne!"
1989 IJA Championships - Index from Masaki Nishikawa
1989 IJA Highlights
1990 IJA Championships - Index from Masaki Nishikawa
1991 IJA Championships
1992 IJA Highlights - Index from James Barlow, Index from Masaki Nishikawa
1992 IJA Juniors Championships
1993 IJA Highlights - Index from James Barlow
1993 IJA Championships - Index from Masaki Nishikawa
1993 IJA Juniors Championships
1994 IJA Championships
1995 IJA Championships - Index from Masaki Nishikawa
1996 IJA Championships
1996 IJA Highlights - My Index
1997 IJA Championships - My Index, Index from Masaki Nishikawa
1997 IJA Highlights - My Index, Review from Kaskade Magazine
1998 IJA Championships - Index from Masaki Nishikawa
1998 IJA Highlights - My Index, My Review
1999 Championships - Index from Masaki Nishikawa
2000 IJA Championships
2001 IJA Highlights - My Index
2002 IJA Highlights - My Index
2003 IJA Championships
2003 IJA Highlights
2004 Championships
2004 IJA Highlights
2005 IJA Championships
2005 IJA Highlights
2005 IJA Individual Prop Competition - "Bix Beiderbecke Jazz & Juggle"
2005 IJA Youth Showcase
2005 IJA Numbers Competition
2007 IJA Champtionships
2007 IJA Highlights
The Best of Club Renegade, Vol. I
The Beauty of 3 Ball Juggling - Index from James Barlow, Review from Juggler's World: Vol. 43, No. 3
Jugglevision - The IJA DVD Magazine (Number One, April 2007)

Alan Plotkin Convention Videos

1994 Hawaiian Vaudeville Festival - My Index
1995 Hawaiian Vaudeville Festival - My Index
1996 Hawaiian Vaudeville Festival - My Index
1996 British Juggling Convention - Index from Isaac Orr
1996 National Unicycle Convention
1997 British Juggling Convention - Index from Isaac Orr
1998 European Juggling Convention - Index from Isaac Orr
Flying Karamazov Brothers Scrapbook
2000 Renegade, Montreal - Index from James Barlow, Review from JuggleBum

Other Juggling Videos

Siteswaps - a mathematical journey (3 DVDs)
Anthony Gatto: To Be the Best - My Index; Review from Juggler's World: Vol. 43, No. 3; Review from JuggleBum
Anthony Gatto: To Be the Best III
Anthony Gatto: BJC 2000 Practice Session - My Index
Gatto - from Vaudeville Acro-cat to the King of Juggling
9-1 Nordic Objects
EJC06 - (2 discs)
Kuka Pop Juggling
Manipulation Research Laboratory #1 (2 DVDs)
Juggle Master: Jason Garfield - Review from JuggleBum
Juggle Master 2: Jason Garfield - Review from JuggleBum
Radical Club News: This Just In
Radical Club News: Special Report
Bouncing in Paris
The Big Bouncer Show
Bobby May: Great American Juggler
Things You Can't Do (TYCD)
Things You Can't Do 2 (TYCD2) video (Damp Rabbit)
14th Nordic Juggling Convention: 1998 - My Index
Champion Acrobats of China: Flying Lotus
Champion Acrobats of China: Steel Silk
Cirque de Soleil: Saltimbanco
AirJazz: A World in Motion
Laser Vaudeville: Live at the Ellen Eccles Theatre
Diabolo Follies Part 1 - My index
Diabolo Follies Part 2 - My index
Dennis McBride's Gallery of String Tricks for the Yo-yo, Volume I - Index from Dennis McBride, Review from Ken's World on a String
Dennis McBride's Gallery of String Tricks for the Yo-yo, Volume II - Index from Dennis McBride, Review from Ken's World on a String
SuperYo! Kickin' Tricks
The 1998 National Yo-Yo Contest

I've also got videos of random footage from conventions, circuses, variety shows, and circus competitions, etc. Artists I have on tape include Manuel Alvarez, Bob Bramson, Francis Brunn, Chinese Circus, Dick Franco, The Gandini Project, Anthony Gatto, Jay Gilligan, Oliver Groszer, Sergei Ignatov, Victor Kee, Alexander Kiss, Kris Kremo, 2 Mjagkostups, Ernest Montego, Enrico Rastelli, Eva Vida, Toby Walker, and more…- My index

I've also got access to:

1984 IJA Championships
1988 IJA Highlights
1990 IJA Highlights - Index from James Barlow, Review by Juggler's World: Vol. 42, No. 4
1991 IJA Highlights - Index from James Barlow, Review from Jugglers World: Vol. 43, No. 4, Index from Masaki Nishikawa
1992 IJA Championships
1994 IJA Highlights - Index from James Barlow
1995 IJA Highlights
3B: Different Ways - Index from James Barlow, Review from JuggleBum
Michael Moschen "In Motion with Michael Moschen" - Index from James Barlow
1993 Portland Juggling Festival - Index from James Barlow
Chinese Circus
Caught Clean
Expert Ball Bouncing with Tim Nolan
Gandini: Patterns
Gandini: Extracts
and other random modern and historical footage.

Links with more Video Indexes:

James Barlow
Masaki Nishikawa

Back to my Juggling Page.

Scott Seltzer
Moshav Tarum, ISRAEL

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